Pupillary Pathways

AOA 2016 General Election Report

Written by Amanda Dexter | Nov 21, 2016 6:00:00 AM


Many people are wondering how the results of the general election will affect themselves and their family/friends with regards to many different topics. Have you wondered how optometry will be affected? AOA President, Dr. Andrea Thau, highlights some of the major optometry-related topics in the AOA 2016 General Election Report, what has been done so far, what the plan is for the future, and how you can help! 

With the stakes never higher in the fight over health care's future, we must recognize the need for each of us to do even more in the year ahead, if we are to safeguard the full recognition we've gained and build greater support for our priorities. We know that groups and interests with an anti-optometry agenda will be as active as ever and—as always—we will need to outwork them.

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