Pupillary Pathways

Become a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry

Written by Amanda Dexter | Dec 13, 2016 6:00:00 AM


Last month I became a Fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. I'm not going to lie, the process was tough!

I had to write three case reports and a review of my residency, have them reviewed by a panel, and then re-submitted with appropriate edits. After all this was complete, I studied arduously to prepare for the oral portion. The final piece was the oral exam at the Academy meeting in Anaheim.

Although it was a lot of work, it was so worth it! I am so proud to now have those extra 4 letters after my name, F.A.A.O.! 

Are you thinking about potentially becoming a Fellow? Watch this video to see why your colleagues decided to make the same decision that I did, and what F.A.A.O. means to them. 

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