Pupillary Pathways

Link: Recommended Screen Time for Children

Written by Amanda Dexter | Nov 3, 2016 5:00:00 AM


If you see a lot of children at school or on rotation, you are bound to get questions from parents about the potential hazards of their kids using devices such as iPads and iPhones. Previously, pediatricians had recommended no screen time for kids under the age of 2.

New studies have determined that the guidelines can be adjusted as we are inundated with screens in our daily lives. Now, it is recommended that for kids under the age of 18 months, video chatting is fine, but no other screen time should occur. For 2-5 year olds, they now state that it is ok to look at screens for no longer than 1 hour per day.

Children 6 and over can have more, but they also need an hour of exercise. Media should be used with the family together and not before bedtime. This news clip does a great job at summarizing these points. You should be aware of these recommendations so you have an educated answer the next time a parent asks! 

The American Academy of Pediatrics released new recommendations Friday that relax some previous guidance to give families more flexibility, but did set limits for children's exposure to screen time.

Continue Reading on NBC News.

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