Pupillary Pathways

Link: Say Goodbye to Readers

Written by Amanda Dexter | Nov 1, 2016 5:00:00 AM


Intraoperative abberometry gives surgeons vital data in real time—while the patient is on the operating table—increasing accuracy. This device uses pinhole optics to increase a patient’s depth of focus, improving vision at intermediate and near while still maintaining distance vision. Check out this article and video for more information! 

Presbyopes are always looking for options to eliminate the need for reading glasses. Historically, there were very limited surgical options for the presbyope with a clear lens until the advent of the Kamra corneal inlay (AcuFocus). The device uses pinhole optics to increase a patient’s depth of focus, improving vision at intermediate and near while still maintaining distance vision. It is a donut shaped disc 3.8mm in diameter with a 1.6mm aperture and a thickness of roughly 5µm. It has 8400 micro perforations for corneal nutrient flow and is made of PVDF. Placement is approximately 250µm deep in the corneal stroma of the patient’s nondominant eye using a femtosecond-created pocket and is centered on the visual axis.1

Continue Reading on reviewofoptometry.com

Dr. Dexter's Take

The presbyopic community is a huge percentage of our patient base and they are always looking for options to correct their changing near vision without having to wear glasses. We often have to tell them that we can help make their near vision better, but with that will in-turn likely compromise their distance vision. The transition from single vision distance to multifocal contact lenses can be difficult for a lot of patients, and even the thought of monovision is nauseating for others. What other options do we have to give patients great distance and near vision without requiring them to wear glasses? Up until recently, there weren't many other alternatives, especially with regards to refractive surgery. However, a new treatment with the KAMRA corneal inlay may change that.

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