Pupillary Pathways

Link: Virtual Reality Migraines

Written by Amanda Dexter | Jul 12, 2016 5:00:00 AM

This article and video describes the feelings of individuals who are experiencing a migraine for the first time via virtual reality technology that simulates migraine symptoms

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Almost 40 million people in the United States suffer from migraines, a condition that can severely impact sufferers’ lives. Yet, for those who are fortunate enough to not be inflicted with the condition, it can be hard to understand just how debilitating a migraine can be. “Isn’t it just a bad headache?” they might ask. Now, thanks to a virtual reality experience created by the painkiller brand Excedrin, non-migraine sufferers are being given the chance to experience a migraine firsthand. Even with that influx of ODs, the state saw a slight bump in wages compared to last year’s annual mean wage of $178,640.

Read the full article from huffingtonpost.com

Dr. Dexter's Take

One of the most common "emergency" phone calls that you will receive from patients involves visual aura symptoms that are associated with migraines. They will often report flashing or strobing lights that start centrally and move to the peripheral areas of vision, difficulty viewing things in their central vision, and/or tunnel vision, which typically lasts 15-30 minutes and may be followed by a headache. These symptoms are often quite concerning for a patient. I never really understood exactly what this phenomenon entailed, how debilitating the symptoms were, and how scary the experience could be until I had my first ocular migraine a few months ago. Now I understand why "emergency" appointments for this condition are so common. 

I think it is important to show compassion to our patients and the best way to do that is to try to fully understand and relate to what they are feeling. If you haven't experienced migraine symptoms for yourself, check out this article to get an idea of how severe these symptoms can be so that you can better educate and counsel your patients who may experience this phenomenon. 

The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for Part I of NBEO®

We’ve put together a ton of great tips and tricks for studying for Part I of NBEO along with two tailored study programs that will help you thoroughly prepare for the big day. Remember, you’ve made it this far and you can totally do this!

Some of the Top 15 Tips include:

  • Familiarize Yourself with the Test Format
  • Tackle the Weak Subjects Early
  • Start Sooner and Ease Into It
  • ...and 12 more!