The eyes may be the windows to the soul, but they’re also the keepers of all kinds of secrets—secrets our eye doctors are in on but we typically aren’t. Those little tidbits of info our baby blues (or greens or browns) are hiding are actually chock-full of important details, not only about our eyes and vision, but about our overall health.
Dr. Dexter's Take
I get questions about several of these eye facts Every. Single. Day. These are all common misconceptions that your patients will bring up during your eye exams, as the general public has believed and passed on these myths over many decades. Be prepared with good explanations for each of these facts so that you can educate your patients when they question your recommendations based on what they've heard from their friends and family throughout their entire life!
Read the full article from Yahoo Health
The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for Part I of NBEO®
Some of the Top 15 Tips include: