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Preventing Optometry Burnout: Time Blocking to the Rescue

Posted by Talin Amadian on Aug 9, 2021 12:00:00 AM

If you don't control your time, your time will control you. This is relevant now more than ever before. Managing your schedule in optometry school can be very challenging. In previous blog posts, I’ve mentioned the importance of time management and keeping a detailed calendar of school, personal, and work activities, but here’s how to take your detailed calendar to the next level!

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Topics: Stress, Reducing Stress

[Optometry] Hacks For Knocking Out Anxiety for Computer-Based Testing

Posted by Talin Amadian on Jun 28, 2021 12:00:00 AM

I did not know a single person without some level of anxiety right before NBEO® Part 1. In fact, the anxiety grew more and more each week, as the exam date got closer. Simply knowing that stakes were so high and the uncertainty around whether you’re doing things right can really create a struggle while studying, especially on the tail end closer to the exam date. However, I did find that so many students were not using this foolproof method of lowering test-taking anxiety.

Now, it’s important to mention that Computer-Based Testing (CBT) has been on the rise within the past few years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, with so many different platforms, formats, and time limits, it’s natural to become overwhelmed and anxious about the uncertainty. I found that the best way to boost my confidence was to mimic the testing environment at home while studying. While this sounds like common sense, you’d be surprised how many students were not doing it!

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Topics: Stress, Reducing Stress, Optometry Boards, Optometry Studies

[NBEO] My Best Tip For Reducing Boards Stress

Posted by Talin Amadian on Jun 14, 2021 12:00:00 AM

Feeling underprepared while going through Optometry school is only natural. I remember finishing every single course feeling like I still didn’t know enough. With so many things to learn and [what seems like] so little time, you will always have questions. It took me a while to understand and come to terms with the fact that I’ll never really know everything, but I can just do my best.

The worst feeling I had in optometry school was when I felt like I had no time. The best feeling I had in optometry school was knowing that I was prepared. So how do you stay prepared when it seems like you don't have enough time? Start early!

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Topics: Reducing Stress, NBEO Boards, Optometry Boards



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