Every year the Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry (ASCO) publishes an Annual Student Data Report with information regarding enrollees in 21 of the currently operating optometry schools. Here are some of the highlights we thought you might find interesting about your colleagues!
- The total number of full-time students in the 21 professional O.D. programs enrolling students during academic year 2015- 2016 in the 50 states and Puerto Rico is 6,900, an increase of 1.5% over last year, and an increase of 13.9% since 2010-2011.
- The percentage of female full-time students in the professional O.D. programs rose to 67.1%, from 66.1% last year; five years ago the percentage was 63.9%. Only one school reported more full-time male students than female students in 2015-2016.
- In 2015-2016, full-time and part-time students come from every state in the U.S., from Puerto Rico and Canada, and from 17+ foreign countries. More students reside in California than any other state, with the next largest group coming from Canada, followed by Texas.
- In 2014-2015, at least four-fifths of all students at 19 out of 21 optometry schools received financial aid. At 9 of these 21 schools, 90% or more of students received financial aid.
- In 2015-2016, the average tuition for a first-year resident student enrolled in the professional O.D. program was $24,493 at a public school and $34,446 at a private school. The average cost for all direct expenses (tuition, fees, books and instruments) for a first-year resident student was $30,303 for a public school and $39,758 for a private school.
- First-year non-residents paid an average $43,060 for tuition and $48,870 for all direct expenses at a public school, and $35,874 for tuition and $41,186 for all direct expenses at a private school.
For more detailed information, check out the full report here!
-Dr. Dexter
The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for Part I of NBEO®
Some of the Top 15 Tips include: