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Optometry Spotlight: Dr. Jason Tu, O.D.

Posted by Amanda Dexter on Jun 15, 2016 12:00:00 AM


Dr. Jason Tu received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of California at Irvine and his Doctor of Optometry degree from the Southern California College of Optometry. 
He is a member of the American Optometric Association, a Trustee of the California Optometric Association (COA) Board, a past member of the Education & Clinical Practice Committee of the COA, and a Past-President of the San Diego County Optometric Society.
Dr. Tu is married to his best friend Susan, who he met in college at UCI.  They keep busy with their two kids Adam and Audrey.

What is your current mode of optometry practice?

JT:  Solo private practice with awesome associates!

Describe your career path from graduation to where you are today.

JT: Started out working at multiple locations to put together a full time schedule for 4-5 years. Worked everything from Walmart to Costco to malls to private practice to a shady optical.

What made you decide to become an optometry practice owner?

JT:  I'm attracted to the independence of owning my own practice and taking care of patients how I feel I could best serve them and not be dictated by any outside influences.

What is your favorite part of owning your own practice?

JT:  I love calling all my own shots, from how to care for patients to how long to spend on each case to who I choose to work with on co-management and so on.

What aspects of optometry would you like to implement or grow in your practice over the next few years?

JT:  Minor lumps/bumps and simple laser procedures. SB622!

Are you involved in any other optometry related work?

JT:  Past President, San Diego County Optometric Society Trustee, California Optometric Assocation

Any advice for a young optometrist looking to pursue leadership roles?

JT:  Get involved in your local society and volunteer. It doesn't matter what you think you're good at, just volunteer your time. That's all it takes.

What do you do for fun outside of optometry?

JT:  I'm quite active with my wife in our two kids' school and lacrosse activities. My wife and I also love trying out different and new restaurants. We're also involved with our church and volunteer opportunities through there.

The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for Part I of NBEO®

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