Learn to treat corneal injuries—from abrasions to burns—and help patients on the road to recovery.
Corneal injuries are often intensely painful and present the potential for ocular morbidity with vision loss. While the causes of abrasions and foreign bodies—and their effects on the eyes—are seemingly unlimited, the overall treatment goal is similar: minimize pain, maintain integrity of the globe, prevent corneal scarring and infection, and preserve visual acuity.
Dr. Dexter's Take
Emergency eye appointments are my favorite. Whenever I see that our staff has added an "eye emergency" to my schedule I get excited for what I'm about to see. I know... it's kind of nerdy, but I bet you feel the same way too. It's a great way to break up the sometimes monotonous schedule of healthy 35 year-old spherical contact lens patients. Although exciting, proper treatment of these urgent conditions can be difficult. Knowing what to prescribe, how often to prescribe it, how to manage the patient's pain, and properly educating the patient takes a lot of medical decision making and can be quite complex.
This article reviews the steps in evaluating, documenting, diagnosing, and managing common ocular injuries.
Read the full article from Review of Optometry
The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for Part I of NBEO®
Some of the Top 15 Tips include: