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Link: Is That Conjunctival Lesion Cancerous?

Posted by Amanda Dexter on Oct 25, 2016 12:00:00 AM


Is That Conjunctival Lesion Cancerous? Easily mistaken for a benign pinguecula or pterygium, conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasm is far more ominous. You can avoid invasive procedures and still ensure effective treatment.

quotes.pngThe interpalpebral space of the conjunctiva frequently develops irregular tissue changes that are, mostly, minimally pathologic or not pathologic at all. This location is exposed to ultraviolet (UV) radiation and atmospheric irritants and is susceptible to dryness; thus, lesions such as pingueculae and pterygia are commonly encountered ocular surface irregularities and generally draw minimal attention on exam. 

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Dr. Dexter's Take

Due to its constant exposure to UV radiation and atmospheric irritants, the interpalpebral space of the conjunctiva often develops irregular tissue changes that are, for the most part, non-pathologic. However; not all lesions that present in this area can be considered simply a pinguecula or pterygium. It is important to look for subtle irregularities that may steer you in the direction of a more serious lesion, such as conjunctival intraepithelial neoplasm (CIN) or squamous cell carcinoma. Diagnosis of these conditions can be difficult; therefore, this article presents a great opportunity to review the clinical signs to be aware of for those who may not see these on a regular basis. 

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NBEO-Tips-large.pngWe’ve put together a ton of great tips and tricks for studying for Part I of NBEO along with two tailored study programs that will help you thoroughly prepare for the big day. Remember, you’ve made it this far and you can totally do this!

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