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Link: Keepin’ it Real with Intraoperative Abberometry

Posted by Amanda Dexter on Oct 20, 2016 12:00:00 AM


Intraoperative abberometry gives surgeons vital data in real time—while the patient is on the operating table—increasing accuracy.

quotes.png“We now have wavefront aberrometry to improve the accuracy of IOL power selection during cataract surgery in postrefractive surgery patients,” says Lawrence Woodard, OD, of Omni Eye Services in Atlanta. In contrast to other methods, which only use preoperative corneal and axial length measurements, intraoperative aberrometry determines IOL power after the cataract is removed. “This is important because corneal topography and keratometry readings overestimate the true corneal power in post-LASIK patients. IOL calculation formulas then underestimate IOL power, leaving the patient significantly hyperopic,” says Dr. Woodard.

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Dr. Dexter's Take

With the growing amount of patients needing cataract surgery who have previously undergone refractive surgery, new difficulties have arisen when it comes to accurately measuring the proper intraocular lens (IOL) power needed to achieve their desired result. Luckily, new technology such as intraoperative aberrometry (ORA) is now available to help measure the IOL power after the cataract is removed. This new technique translates into happier patients who are much less likely need an enhancement procedure due to unexpected post-operative refractive surprises. We currently utilize this technology on all patients undergoing cataract surgery in our office and the results have been fantastic!

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NBEO-Tips-large.pngWe’ve put together a ton of great tips and tricks for studying for Part I of NBEO along with two tailored study programs that will help you thoroughly prepare for the big day. Remember, you’ve made it this far and you can totally do this!

Some of the Top 15 Tips include:

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