Because of this risk, and adult should not take more than 4000 mg of acetaminophen in a 24 hour period.
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Because of this risk, and adult should not take more than 4000 mg of acetaminophen in a 24 hour period.
Do you get nervous when you see keratoconus patients on your schedule in the contact lens clinic? Not sure exactly where to start, what lenses to consider, what changes to make if the lenses aren't functioning properly or fitting well?
Topics: Links, Keratoconus
5 Steps for Making a New Year's Resolution for Optometry Students
Yes, it’s that time of year again. The time of year when optometry students feel as if we have to turn over a new leaf. The time when we imagine that the arrival of a year will provide us the motivation and persistence we need to make some serious changes in our lives.
Traditionally, New Year’s Day is thought to be the ideal time to kick start a new phase in your life and the time when you must make your all important new year’s resolution. Don’t start off the new year setting yourself up for failure by vowing to make huge changes that will be hard to keep.
Topics: Stress, Studying, Optometry School, 4th Year Student, 3rd Year Student
We all know that there are many different signs, symptoms, causes, and treatments for dry eye syndrome. What tests do you feel are the most important when evaluating a patient that present with complaints that are likely caused by ocular surface disease?
Most clinicians will stain with sodium fluorescein, looking for SPK and measuring TBUT. It is also common for ODs to apply pressure to the lids to check for meibomian gland disease, when evaluating their dry eye patients. Do you check for such things as lid wiper epitheliopathy, or measure tear osmolarity, or determine the presence or absence of ocular surface inflammation?
This article provides an in-depth look at how to add these three steps to your examination of dry eye patients to better help determine the cause and appropriate treatment for each individual. Go read the full article from
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When asked why they chose this profession, many optometrists will tell you that many factors contributed to their decision; they wanted to be able to help people and give back to the community, they were fascinated by the eyes and the visual system, they liked the idea of the flexible work environment and schedule, and of course, the potential to earn a good living and provide for a family.
Many of you students are probably looking forward to the days where you’ll actually start making a doctor’s wage, but do you really have an idea of what an optometrist makes? And what factors can influence your income level?
Topics: Salary
Optometry Student: How much time do you get off for winter break?
Winter break is upon us optmetry students, and we were wondering: How long do you get for winter break? Take this quick poll and see what your fellow students get.
Topics: Polls
Download the Handbook of Ocular Disease Management
My favorite optometric publication; The Handbook of Ocular Disease Management, published annually in Review of Optometry is now digitally available!
This handbook reviews some of the most important and most common clinical conditions that you will see in practice, along with an overview, the pathophysiology, how to manage the condition, and appropriate clinical pearls. Every optometry student and optometrist should keep this publication handy to refer to as needed! Go get it here.
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Topics: Facts
Topics: Facts
Working with the Kids is Alright: A Day in the Life of a Pediatric Optometrist
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