Need a break from studying? Maybe a laugh after a tough day in clinic? Check out these hilarious optometry memes! Aren't these the truth?! See all the funny memes from Optometry Times.
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Visit the OptoPrep Booth at Optometry’s Meeting!
OptoPrep is excited to be in Boston for AOA Optometry’s Meeting in Boston! We would love to have you all come visit our booth in the exhibit hall and check out what OptoPrep has to offer! We’ve got many reasons for you to stop by, say hi, and see what OptoPrep can do for you!
Have you ever wondered what it means to be "legally blind"?
Some people use the term to describe their vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses if their uncorrected refractive error makes them feel visually disabled (unable to drive a car, for example). Others assume it means the same thing as total blindness (complete lack of form and light perception).
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Optometry Infographic: Pupillary Light Reflex Pathway
Here is an optometry infographic on the pupillary pathways, specifically the pupillary light reflex pathway. Be sure to check out our other fact posts!
Topics: Facts
Ok optometry student, quick question! Eye drops containing which of the following photosenitizers are instilled into the eye during corneal collagen cross-linking?
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Top 5 Things To Do in Boston During Optometry's Meeting
There’s no better city to have a meeting than Boston! So much history, so many great attractions, and so much delicious food all in one place! Here are a few things you’ll definitely want to make time to see during your trip to Boston for AOA Optometry’s Meeting starting on June 29th to July 3rd.
Topics: Conferences
Poll: Are you planning on attending AOA Optometry's Meeting in Boston?
Are you planning on attending AOA Optometry's Meeting in Boston from June 28th to July 3rd?
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These are the top states where Optometrists earn the highest salaries.
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The Top 15 Tips and Tricks for Studying for Part I of NBEO®
Some of the Top 15 Tips include:
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Link: Why Patients are Choosing Eyecare Apps Over You
5 ways you can get your patients to start choosing you over the apps.
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