What are your options for managing ubiquitous vitreous floaters?
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This article and video describes the feelings of individuals who are experiencing a migraine for the first time via virtual reality technology that simulates migraine symptoms
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Need a break from studying? Maybe a laugh after a tough day in clinic? Check out these hilarious optometry memes! Aren't these the truth?! See all the funny memes from Optometry Times.
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Have you ever wondered what it means to be "legally blind"?
Some people use the term to describe their vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses if their uncorrected refractive error makes them feel visually disabled (unable to drive a car, for example). Others assume it means the same thing as total blindness (complete lack of form and light perception).
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These are the top states where Optometrists earn the highest salaries.
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Link: Why Patients are Choosing Eyecare Apps Over You
5 ways you can get your patients to start choosing you over the apps.
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Link: How to keep athletes’ eyes healthy in contact lenses
Teach patients with active lifestyles how to care for their lenses on the go
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Link: Optometry Class of 2016 – Resource List for After Graduation
This is an amazing (several hundred) page ebook that goes over 95% of what you need to know after graduation. It’s simple, straightforward and to the point. Most of it is written in “Guide” and “step-by-step” format, and so it is extremely digestible. Bookmark this one for sure! Be sure to check out our other Link Posts.
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Don’t be afraid to knock it out from the get-go—or it may get back up to fight another round.
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Welcome to the 2016 Clinical Guide to Ophthalmic Drugs—the 20th Anniversary Edition of this publication. Be sure to view our other link posts.
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